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我們是綠盈坊有限公司(下稱為「我們」、「本公司」或 綠盈坊 ),且我們擁有及經營網站 (下稱為「本網站」或 )。我們的網站透過互聯網提供線上購物模式,並提供一站式送貨服務(「服務」)。我們重視閣下的私隱權,並竭力維護閣下個人資料得到保密。此私隱政策適用於我們提供的所有產品及服務,說明我們可如何收集、使用及披露閣下的個人資料。本私隱政策受《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例 第486章)(以下簡稱「私隱條例」)規管並奉行其有關規定。






綠盈坊或會要求閣下提供下列的個人資料,以便就閣下的服務進行登記及管理。倘若沒有此等資料,便不可能滿足閣下的服務要求。此類資料包括(但不限於): (i) 姓名; (ii) 聯絡詳情,包括聯絡人姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、送貨地址。



(i) 性別 (ii) 其他有關並已使用的產品及服務。



  1. 瀏覽器類型及版別; (ii) 操作系統;及 (iii) 互聯網規程(IP)地址及/或網域名稱。




  1. 為閣下提供有關的服務;

  2. 核實閣下的帳戶身份;

  3. 為閣下處理訂單及處理與服務有關的付款指示或追收應繳款項或其他要求;

  4. 就為閣下提供有關服務而分析、核實及/或檢查閣下的信用、付款及/或狀況;

  5. 為閣下提供客戶服務;

  6. 進行市場研究、統計及行為分析;

  7. 審核;

  8. 按適用法律、規則及規例的規定作出披露;

  9. 直接促銷本公司及相關聯公司的產品及服務。



















當閣下瀏覽本公司網站時,除非另有說明,否則本公司祇會記下閣下曾經到訪,而不會收集任何可辨識閣下個人身份的資料。本網站任何部分所使用的Cookies(如有),並非用於收集可辨識個人身份的資料。Cookies是儲存於上網人士的電腦內的電腦檔案,用於獲取配置資料以及分析上網人士的瀏覽習慣。Cookies可免除您每次瀏覽網站時重新登記的麻煩,並通常用於追蹤您喜歡選擇的網頁主題。閣下有權選擇不接受Cookies,但這樣的 話有可能使您無法使用或啟動本公司網站的若干功能。






我們不會在知情的情況下收集未成年人的個人資訊,也不建議未成年人使用我們的服務。除非所在地法律允許並且監護人同意,未成年人請不要 註冊帳戶或發送自己的姓名、住址、電話、郵寄地址等個人資訊給我們。如果我們不小心收集到了未成年人的資訊,我們在知情後會儘快刪除。如果閣下認為我們可能不當地持有來自於或關於未成年人的資訊,請聯繫我們。



如閣下對綠盈坊之私隱政策有任何疑問,或有意查閱或更正個人資料,閣下可以書面方式通知我們 :










Privacy Policy Statement

We are O’Farm Limited (collectively referred to as "we", "the company" or "O’Farm") and we own and operate the site (collectively referred to as "our site" or " "). Our site offers a convenient way to shop online over the Internet, including by using our applications, and also provides one-stop home delivery services (referred to as “services”). We recognize the importance of your privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to all products and services provided by us and sets out how we may collect, use and disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy is governed by and observes the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) (the "Ordinance").


Our Company Policy

You need not supply any personal data in order to access the company’s website. When you participate in, access or sign up to any of the services, personal data is collected from you to enable us to provide you with the services. You may decline to provide us with the requested personal data, but in such case we may not be able to provide the services to you. By submitting your personal data, you consent to the use of that data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement.


Types of Personal Data Collected

For the purpose of carrying on the company's business, including registration and administration of the company's website and related products and services (including relevant online services), you may be requested to provide personal data such as, but not limited to, the following, without which it may not be possible to satisfy your request:

(i) Your name; (ii) Contact details, including contact name and telephone number or email address, delivery address.


In some instances, you may also be requested to provide certain data that may be used to further improve our products and services and/or better tailor the type of information presented to you. In most cases, this type of data is optional although, where the requested service is a personalized service, or provision of a product is dependent on your providing all requested data, failure to provide the requested data may prevent us from providing the service to you. This type of data includes, but is not limited to:

(i) Gender; (ii) Other related products and services subscribed to.


The company's web servers may also collect data relating to your online session, the use of which is to provide aggregated, anonymous, statistical information on the server's usage so that we may better meet the demands and expectations of visitors to our sites. This type of data may include, but is not limited to:

  1. The browser type and version; (ii) Operating system; and (iii) The IP address and/or domain name.


Use of personally identifiable information collected

Personal data collected from you may be used by the company for:

  1. Providing you with the related services;

  2. Verifying your account identity;

  3. Handling your order(s) and payment instructions, or collecting outstanding bills or other instructions;

  4. Analyzing, verifying, and/or conducting credit checks, payment details and/ or conditions, so as to provide you with the related services;

  5. Providing you with customer service;

  6. Conducting marketing research, statistics analysis, and behavior analysis;

  7. Auditing;

  8. Making disclosures when required by applicable laws, rules and regulations;

  9. Direct marketing of the products and services of the company and its business partners.


Direct marketing

We have asked you for your consent before you have provided us with your personally identifiable information. After receiving your consent, you may receive from us or from our affiliated companies telephone calls, email and direct mailings containing promotional materials from time to time. We mainly communicate with you through email, if you wish to unsubscribe the direct marketing communications, you can find and click on the unsubscribe link in each of the promotional email, and we will opt you out from the mailing listing without any cost. Alternatively, you can reach our customer service by calling 8111-1575 or email at for un-subscription.


Retention of the information

In your dealings with us, we retain records of your online transactions for auditing purposes. Our general policy is to retain the information for a reasonable period. We do not offer online facilities for you to delete personal data held by us.


Access to and correction of information

If you want to access and/or correct your personally identifiable information which you have given us via internet, you may write to us via:


Email: Or

Post: Marketing Department

O’Farm Limited                               

Unit C, 30/F, EGL Tower

83 Hung To Road

Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Hong Kong



All personal data you provide to us is secured on our web site with restricted access by authorized personnel only.


Use of Cookies

When you browse, the company will record your visit only and will not collect any personally identifiable information from you unless otherwise stated. Cookies used (if any) in any part of our site will not be deployed for collecting personally identifiable information. For your information, Cookies are computer files which will be stored in web surfer’s computer for the purposes of obtaining configuration information and analyzing web surfers’ viewer habits. They can save you from registering again when re-visiting a web site and are commonly used to track your preferences in relation to the subject matter of the website. You have a choice not to accept the Cookies, but to do so you may be unable to utilize or activate certain available functions on our site.


Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to Our website may contain links to other sites and pages. By activating a link, for example by clicking on the banner of an advertiser, you leave our website and the company does not exercise control over any personal data or any other information you give to any other entity after you have left our website. Access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk.


Juvenile Protection

We will neither knowingly collect information on any juvenile nor advice any juvenile to use our services. Unless permitted by law and approved by the guardian, the juvenile may not register an account or send their name, address, telephone or email address to us. If we collect any information about the juvenile negligently, we will delete as soon as possible when we are aware. If you think that we might hold information from or on any juvenile, please contact us.


Data Access & Correction

If you have any query in relation to the O’Farm's privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us, you may contact us by writing to the following address:

Marketing Department

O’Farm Limited

Unit C, 30/F, EGL Tower,

83 Hung To Road,

Kowloon, Hong Kong


Amending Privacy Policy Statement

Our Privacy Policy Statement may be amended from time to time without prior notice, and it will be published on our site ( are advised to check it on a regular basis in order to obtain the latest version.






我們是綠盈坊有限公司(下稱為「我們」、「本公司」或 O’Farm),且我們擁有及經營網站 (下稱為「本網站」或。我們的網站透過互聯網(包括透過使用應用程式)提供線上購物模式,並提供一站式送貨服務(「服務」)。




  1. 閣下須於使用服務或作出訂購時先向我們登記。一經登記,即表示閣下聲明(而我們有權據此依賴有關聲明)閣下年滿18歲或以上,並有構成具法律約束力合約的能力。

  2. 當登記時,閣下必須:

(i) 提供準確、完整及最新的登記資料;

(ii) 確保妥善保存個人使用者名稱及密碼;

(iii) 授權我們假設只有您或您授權的人士使用閣下的使用者名稱及密碼登入本網站

  1. 如閣下所登記的資料有任何更改,須立即通知我們以確保我們能夠有效地聯絡您。


  1. 當閣下作出訂購時,產品價格以訂購當日所示為準。

  2. 本網站所有產品價格均以港幣計算。

  3. 系統會向閣下登記所用之電郵地址發送電郵以確認我們已收到閣下的訂單。該電郵並不等於就訂購之產品項目作出送貨承諾。

  4. 我們保留權利可全權酌情就任何理由不接納或取消訂單,包括但不限於:

    1. 閣下所訂購的產品並無足夠的存貨;

    2. 未能就閣下的地區安排送貨;或

    3. 閣下所訂購的一件或多件產品所標示的價格因人為或電腦錯誤或供應商所提供的定價資料錯誤而出錯。


  1. 本公司接受VISA卡或萬事達卡付款,所有訂單將會以港幣結算。

  2. 我們使用第三方付款服務以進行網上交易。當閣下作出訂購時,閣下同意及接納,受其條款及細則所限,閣下的信用卡資料將 會被付款服務供應商收集、處理及保留。閣下同意及接納,閣下單獨及獨自承擔閣下於進行信用卡交易時所招致或產生的任何損失,且我們於任何情況下均毋須承擔 任何有關全部或部分損失。

  3. 我們不會收集或保留閣下的信用卡資料。如閣下選擇儲存閣下的信用卡資料作快速結賬,閣下同意及接納有關資料將獲第三方付款服務供應商加密及保留。

  4. 本公司保留權利於任何時間更改網上購物的付款方式而不作另行通知。

  5. 在本網站上展示的產品及價格僅供參考,以實際交易時的更改或變更為準。



  1. 每張訂單在使用推廣代碼前,凡購物滿港幣$600 或以上,即可享免費送貨服務(只限單一送貨地點)。於使用推廣代碼前購物低於港幣$600,須付送貨服務費港幣$80。

  2. 當烈風訊號懸掛、紅色或黑色暴雨警告生效時或我們判斷為進行送貨並不安全的天氣情況下,送貨服務將會延期。本公司將會聯絡閣下更改送貨日期。

  3. 我們現時暫無向以下地區送貨:馬灣、愉景灣、離島區、任何管制區域及禁止貨車進入之地區。

  4. 我們會將閣下訂購的產品透過我們的職員或第三方供應商送遞閣下所提供的送貨地址。當產品送遞至閣下所提供的送貨地址, 必須由閣下親自接收產品(除閣下已向我們作出特別指示,可將送貨物品置於門外或大堂管理處(閣下須就該等送貨自行承擔送遞產品在任何情況下遺失之風險)的情況外)。倘閣下因任何原因而未能接收產品,閣下同意及接受我們有權選擇向閣下收取額外費用或取消閣下訂購。

  5. 下單後,送貨地址或選擇之送貨時段如有任何變更,請即時通知我們,以便安排。

  6. 當閣下所購產品已送交閣下,閣下將成為產品的擁有人。當產品已送交閣下,閣下將自行承擔持有產品的風險而我們將無須為它們的損失或損壞負責。






1. 本公司及其僱員、承辦商及任何第三方供應者不對下列事宜作出申述或保證:

(i) heightboosterdrink.com或本伺服器或任何其他heightboosterdrink.com伺服器所儲存或取得的所有資料 (下稱「有關資料」) 的完整性、質量、運作、使用、準確性或時效,或對任何目的之適合性或用途;

(ii) 透過heightboosterdrink.com或根據有關資料索取、提供或獲得之任何產品或服務;

(iii) 瀏覽heightboosterdrink.com或有關資料時不受干擾,或資料正確無誤,或有關資料不含任何電腦病毒或不具污染性或破壞性;

  1. 閣下不可以有關資料作為倚據。綠盈坊對閣下因倚據或使用有關資料或本網站而蒙受的任何間接或直接的損害、損失、費用或開支,均不承擔任何責任。




  1. 上載、刊登、以電子郵件發送、提供或以其他方式發送閣下無權(無論是所有權,合約權或托管權)傳輸的或非法、有害、威脅性、污蔑性、騷擾性、欺騙性、誹謗性或在其他方面令人反感的任何內容;

  2. 透過使用任何服務傳輸虛假或偽造的內容來假冒任何人士或組織;

  3. 上載、刊登、以電子郵件或以其他方式發送、提供或以其他方式傳輸違反任何所有權或知識產權(包括但不限於任何一方的專利、商標、商業秘密、版權)的任何內容;

  4. 上載,刊登、以電子郵件發送、提供或以其他方式傳輸任何未經准許之廣告、宣傳材料、「垃圾郵件」、「濫發郵件」、「連鎖信」、「層壓式計劃」或以其他形式招攬業務,惟經本公司書面明確准許的宣傳材料或廣告除外;

  5. 上載,刊登、以電子郵件或以其他方式發送含有軟件病毒或足以干擾、損壞或限制本網站及/ 或電腦軟件或硬件或相關電訊設施之其他電腦編碼、文檔或程式之內容;

  6. 干擾或中斷服務、伺服器或藉以提供服務之網絡,或未能遵守此等網絡之要求、程序、政策或規定;

  7. 收集或儲存其他用戶之個人識別資訊。







  1. 本網站上所有內容、用戶內容、設計、文字、圖像及其他材料的知識產權權利,及其選取或安排由我們擁有、控制或獲許可。嚴禁任何未經事前書面批准的授權使用。

  2. 本網站中所有商標、產品名稱及公司名稱或標誌為本公司的財產或其各自擁有人的財產。我們並無就使用任何該等商標、外觀、產品名稱、公司名稱、或稱號給予批准,而該等使用或會構成侵犯持有人的權利。


  1. 本公司有權隨時修改本條款及條件,而無須事前通知。如有任何爭議,本公司的決定為最終的決定。

  2. 倘若本條款及條件有中文譯本,如中、英文本之文義有異,應以英文本為準。

  3. 我們高度重視私隱問題。我們的私隱政策涵蓋我們使用閣下提供的任何資料。使用我們的服務,即代表閣下同意我們可根據我們的私隱政策收集、儲存及使用有關閣下的資料。 閣下確認及同意受我們的私隱政策條款所約束。

  4. 我們保留權利可全權酌情拒絕用戶進入我們的網站或其任何部分,而毋須作出通知,並可拒絕向任何違反此等條款及細則的用戶提供我們的服務。

  5. 如未經我們的書面同意,閣下不得轉讓或以其他方式處理此等條款及細則規定的全部或部分閣下權利及義務。

  6. 此等條款及細則載列各方的完整協定及諒解,並取代所有有關此等條款及細則事項的先前口頭或書面協定、諒解或安排。任何一方均無權依賴此等條款及細則並無載列的任何協定、諒解或安排。

  7. 此等條款及細則受香港生效的法律管轄。閣下同意受香港法院的專有管轄權管轄。倘若本協議中任何部份在法律上不能執行,則該部份會於法律容許的最大可能範圍內生效,而其他部份則維持完全效力及作用。

  8. 由於閣下使用或被指稱使用本網站或本網站內容或因閣下違反本協議所引起的任何索償、訴訟或索求,包括但不限於合理法律及會計費用,閣下同意代我們抗辯,向我們賠償及使我們、我們的董事、職員及代理人免於損害。

  9. 如有需要,我們會根據香港法例要求徵收每個$0.5的塑膠購物袋費用。




Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

We are O’Farm Limited (collectively referred to as "we", "the company" or "O’Farm") and we own and operate the site (collectively referred to as "our site" or ""). Our site offers a convenient way to shop online over the Internet, including by using our applications and also provides one-stop home delivery services (referred to as “services”).


Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using our site. By using our site or any part of it, you agree that you have read these terms and conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them. We may revise these terms and conditions from time to time by updating this posting. The revised terms will take effect when they are posted.



  1. You are required to register with us when you use the services or place an order. By registering you are making a statement, upon which we are entitled to rely, that you are aged 18 years or above and capable of forming a legally binding contract.

  2. Where you are required to register, you must:

(i) provide us with accurate, complete and updated registration information;

(ii) safeguard your user name and password; and

(iii) authorize us to assume that any person using our site with your user name and password is either you or is authorized to act for you.

  1. You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided so that we can communicate with you effectively.



  1. When you place an order, the prices charged are those applicable on the day you order.

  2. All products on are listed in Hong Kong Dollars.

  3. System will generate an email to the email address registered by customer to confirm that we have received your order. Such confirmation does not constitute a promise of delivery of order items.

  4. We reserve our right not to accept or cancel an order for any reasons at our sole discretion, including without limitation:

    1. no sufficient stock to deliver the products you have ordered;

    2. no delivery can be arranged for your area; or

    3. one or more of the products you ordered was listed at an incorrect price due to a human or computer error or an error in the pricing information provided by the supplier.


  1. The company accepts VISA and MasterCard; Orders will be charged in Hong Kong dollars.

  2. We use third party payment service to process online transactions. When you place an order, you agree and accept that your credit card information will be collected, processed, and kept by a payment service provider subject to its terms and conditions. You agree and accept that you are solely and exclusively responsible for any losses incurred or sustained by you in making credit card transaction, and in no event shall any such losses in whole or in part be borne by us.

  3. We do not collect or keep your credit card information. If you choose to save your credit card information for express checkout, you agree and accept that the information will be encrypted and stored by the third party payment service providers.

  4. The company reserves the right to change the payment terms for any order without prior notice.

  5. Products and prices displayed on our site are for reference only and are subject to alteration or modification at the time of actual transaction.



  1. We offer FREE delivery (single location only) for purchases over HK$600 before using promotion code. For orders under HK$600 before using promotion code, a delivery charge of HK$80 per each order shall apply.

  2. Delivery services shall delay when typhoon signal, a red or black rainstorm warning is hoisted; or such other weather conditions whereby delivery is considered unsafe. In this event, you will be contacted to re-schedule delivery time.

  3. We currently do not make deliveries to the following areas:  (1) Ma Wan (2) Discovery Bay (3) Outlying islands, (4) Restricted districts and areas that vans cannot access.

  4. We will deliver the products ordered by you to the address you give us for delivery at the time you make your order through our staff or a third party provider. You shall accept the products yourself (except where you have specifically instructed us to leave your delivery outside the door or at the concourse – missing delivery under such circumstances shall be at your own risk) when the products are delivered to the address you give us for delivery. You agree and accept that we are entitled, at our option, to charge you additional costs or cancel your order in the event of your failure to accept delivery for whatever reasons.

  5. It is the responsibility of you to inform O’Farm immediately of any change to your delivery address or preferred delivery time slot after placing order.

  6. You will become the owner of the product(s) you have ordered when they have been delivered to you. Once product(s) has been delivered to you, they will be held at your own risk and we will not be liable for the loss or damage.



All risks in the product(s) shall pass to you upon delivery but O’Farm shall retain title in the products until full payment has been received.



  1. The company and its employees, contractors and any third party provider (collectively "O’Farm") make no representation or warranty in relation to:

(i) the completeness, quality, operation, use, accuracy, or timeliness of, or the fitness or use for any purpose of, or the information (the “Information”) stored on or receivable through this or any other server;

(ii) any goods or services accessed, offered or obtained through or pursuant to the Information;

(iii) the access to or the Information will be uninterrupted or does not contain any viruses, or contaminating or destructive properties.

  1. You shall not rely on the Information. O’Farm shall not be liable for any damages, loss, costs or expenses arises, directly or indirectly, from your reliance or use (whether authorized or not) of the Information or this website.



You undertake that you will not use our site to:

  1. upload, post, email, offer or otherwise transmit any contents in respect of which you have no right (either proprietary, contractual, or fiduciary) to transmit or which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory or otherwise objectionable;

  2. impersonate any person or entity by way of transmitting any forged or manipulated contents through the use of any services.

  3. upload, post, email, offer or otherwise transmit any contents that infringe any proprietary rights or intellectual property rights including, without limitation, patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright of any party;

  4. upload, post, email, offer or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except such advertisements or promotional materials expressly authorized by us in writing;

  5. upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any contents that contain software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that would interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of our site and/or computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment constituting them;

  6. interfere with or disrupt the services or servers or networks through which the services are provided, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks;

  7. collect or store personally identifiable information about other users.

You acknowledge that our site does not have any obligation to pre-screen contents, but our site has the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to refuse or remove any contents that is available via the services. Without limiting the said right, our site has the right to remove any contents that, in its opinion, violate the T&C or are otherwise, in its opinion, objectionable.

8.Linked Websites

Certain links, including hypertext links, in our site will take you outside our site. Links are provided for your convenience and inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or approval by us of the linked site, its operator or its content. We are not responsible for the content of any website outside our site.

9.Intellectual Property

  1. All intellectual property rights in the content, user content, design, text, graphics and other materials on our site, and the selection or arrangement thereof are owned, controlled or licensed by or to us. Any unauthorized use without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

  2. All trademarks, product names and company names or logos used in our site are our property or that of their respective owners. No permission is given by us in respect of the use of any such trademarks, get-up, product names, company names, logos or titles and such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights.


  1. We may revise these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any dispute arises, the company’s determination shall be final.

  2. Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.

  3. We take privacy issues seriously. Our privacy policy covers our use of any information you provide. In using our services, you agree that we may collect, store, and use information about you in accordance with our privacy policy. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our privacy policy.

  4. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to deny users access to our site or any part of our site without notice and to decline to provide our services to any user that is in breach of these terms and conditions.

  5. You shall not assign or otherwise deal with its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions, whether in whole or in part without our written consent.

  6. These terms and conditions set forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions. Neither party shall be entitled to rely on any agreement, understanding or arrangement that is not expressly set forth in these terms and conditions.

  7. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in force in Hong Kong. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts. If any part of this agreement is held to be unenforceable, the unenforceable part shall be given effect to the greatest extent possible and the remainder will remain in full force and effect.

  8. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us, our officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of our site or the content or your breach of this agreement.

  9. Whenever necessary, $0.5 per each plastic shopping bag each will be charged in accordance to the Hong Kong regulation.

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